Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The wonderful thing about west Texas...

Dreaming of never having to be here again.


  1. Why was Texas that bad that you do not want to go back?

  2. It wasn't terrible really. Just so much of the same view that it felt like being on a treadmill in the middle of a field for several days.

  3. since you put it that way. Guess i would not want to go back either if constantly seeing the same thing. It's like a desert or a presidental election it's all the same. Hope you all see some real excitement and diversity on the remaining weeks of you all's journey. Best wishes!!!!!!!!

  4. Good Luck With Your Travel. Can't Wait To See Meet You.

  5. welp hope yu dont have to qo baqk siince iit was dhat bad && ii wouldnt have enjoyed iit eiither iif iit was basciialyy all dha same viiew yuck dhats liike siittiinq iin klass && haviinq dha teacher teachiinq dha same lesson everyydayy dhat would qet boriinq && annoyiinq. well hope yu quys have safe travel wiith no complicatiions && hope to see yu soon.
    --Kyree Flowers
