Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Three states later...

We finally have access to a computer again. Coming out of Louisiana was a quick endeavor but crossing Mississippi was even quicker!
I have to talk a little more about New Orleans, and I'm sure I'll forget and omit many details; don't hang me for it. So, to put it out straight away, I'm very glad and my spirit rejuvenated to know that there are people in our world like Xavier, Claudia & Jesse, Rachel and Craig and these two couples' daughters! What a refreshing experience to find such open arms and acceptance among strangers. Many religious people could learn what its like to be Christ-like from these fine Louisiana folks. Iz and I were unabashedly invited into their homes, played board games with them, were adopted with all haste by their adorable little daughters...within hours of meeting them Iz and I both were rotating little girls onto our shoulders to catch beads at the St. Patrick's Day parade in New Orleans. I wish we could all remember to show the loving kindness and meekness of a child. We were welcomed so well with great conversation, food, entertainment and compassion...I hope I can put half as much into the world around me. Alas, on any journey, such things make parting difficult but the idea of completion drives us on. Pedaling out of Louisiana was the first state we both looked back on when crossing the state line.
Once we crossed that line though, our gears really started turning...
We screamed through Mississippi and on to Mobile Alabama in less than two days of pedaling from New Orleans. Once in Mobile it was time to find a bike shop again for wheel truing and a little food. By the time we got out of the bike shop, we had extra food, a shuttle to good camping and a promise of hot coffee then breakfast in the morning. Thanks again Jessica. While pedaling along the beach for those next couple days, we stopped and pushed two cars out of the sand, its a great thing to laugh about ladies! Like we agreed out there, its one of those to look back on, shake your head and laugh.
By Destin we were very keen on a quick stop for St. Paddy's...we found live music being played by an Irishman at McGuire's-the music made our hearts happy and light. We set up camp early on St. Patrick's day to prepare for a long Friday...it worked as we had our single longest day of pedaling at 152 miles! With that distance and the humidity of the eastern US though, I learned a very excruciating lesson: saddle sores can ruin not only your day but your whole psyche, your focus on just One Revolution, everything becomes focused down on two little points known as the sit bones. I squirm thinking about it. So, as I've heard a few times from a great mentor "Prudence is the better part of valor" and with this on my mind-vaguely through the haze of pain and suffering-I relented near Ichetuknee Springs and had Heather pick us up for a couple days of rest and healing before we go back to the same spot and finish the pedal into Gainesville Florida. It will be very nice to spend a few days here healing and refueling the body to be strong and feeling great to finish a huge trip that started with just One small Revolution. The acupuncture, qigong, massage, great food and epsom soaks probably won't hurt either :-D
Ok, more again later, time to crunch out a rough slideshow for some great high school students that I'll be meeting very soon!
One Revolution-One change in how you see one thing in the world can change your world. Smile with your heart.


  1. you all are finally here. finally this city has some excitement going on. pretty sure the presentation will be great, and more info about the travel beyond the posts. get some rest, see you tomorrow.

  2. -i'm glad you all had a nice time during your travel. and i wold have loved to be at the St. Patricks Day Parade. ready to see you today in class you sound very interesting and Ms. Christian have talked about you ALOT so i'm ready to see for myself. (:

  3. Hey...guys...

    It was great crossing paths with the two of you on the Navarre Causeway Bridge. I did make it to Worthington's in New Orleans and the owner there remembered the two of you. Lani and I crossed paths today with another couple who left San Diego on their way to St. Augustine.

    My blog is: doctorbobsbikeblog.blogspot.com and you can find a picture of you to on this particular page:


    Safe travels...

    Lani and Bob

  4. I had a wonderful time with you guys are incredible people; and im so glad that i got the opportunity to meet you.
